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Here Are a Few Things That You Must Know If You Are Booking a Mumbai To Bali Flight.

Here Are a Few Things That You Must Know If You Are Booking a Mumbai To Bali Flight.

suraj jaiswal722 05-Oct-2019

Bali is a place in Indonesia that thrives on tourism. It is known for its cultural and religious diversity, along with its exotic beauty, as majority of the Balinese follow a variation of Hinduism, while a few belong to Islam and Buddhism. It is a known fact that, like other Asian countries, Bali thrives on tourism.

But, how about learning some vital facts about this extraordinary country before you get the Bali packagesfor visiting the country? It may not seem important, but it will be good for you to know what you are getting into (No, you do not have to worry about getting attacked by crazy ninjas).

So, here they are!

1. Kopi Luwak, Bali’s expensive jungle coffee: Most of us love coffee, either because it tastes good or can keep us awake in the morning. We have various coffee brands and cafes that have come up with different flavours for the brew. However, coffee or not, we are 100% sure that you have not tried Bali’s Kopi Luwak, a coffee brew that is made from special beans that have been consumed and excreted sans digestion by the Civat Cat, a creature of Asian origin (um, ewww or cute?). If you are a coffee lover and brave enough to drink this ‘awesome’ brew (yuck!), then you must book that Mumbai to Bali Flight.

2. Loving the black sand at Lovina Beach: We all love the idea of going to a beach and playing in the white sand! But have you heard of a beach that is covered in black sand? If you actually like the colour black for most things in your life (don’t we all? even for our souls?!), then you need to check out the Lovina Beach, which gets its ‘black sand’ from the lava of the Agung Volcano (ooh, hot damn!). Though this fact may be ‘too hot to handle’, you do not have to worry about getting burnt to a crisp while playing near the water, as the mountain isn’t close enough to cause any real physical damage or burns. Use the Bali packages for checking out the ‘dark side’ of the exotic paradise we know as Bali.

3. Mumbai to Bali Flight for a silent New year: Many of the people around the world are workaholic professionals and students who can concentrate on their work and studies only when there is complete pin-drop silence. These people are most likely to hate the idea of celebrating any kind of festival that involves loud ‘noisy’ music, and are most likely to be preoccupied with work EVEN during the time of festivities (seriously?!). When FINALLY taking a break (at the prodding of friends and relatives, we are sure!), their idea of it actually happens to be staying in their rooms. These people will love the idea of visiting Bali once they learn of Nyepi, Bali’s tradition of starting the new year in silence (say what now?!)-perfect for someone who is all for the idea of ‘enjoying the silence’!

Updated 17-Jan-2020 name is Suraj Jaiswal

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